Lead-acid battery i新現ndustry
Lead-acid battery industr舞技y

Lead-acid battery 用門industry

  • Categories:Battery industry
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  • Time of issue:2022-07-12 17:57
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Lead-acid battery industry

(Summary description)

  • Categories:Battery industry
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  • Time of issue:2022-07-12 17:57
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Two-component th姐弟ree-axis dispensi呢遠ng machine, automatic lower 西訊cover dispensing跳媽 machine and do去愛uble-head double-station 筆下dispensing machine are used in b廠看attery middle cover dispensing個車, and two-component manual di城姐spensing machine is used in ba在動ttery bottom glue di離上spensing , Red and black inte女草grated dispensing machine a家內pplication battery red a化慢nd black glue dispen工空sing. The automatic 廠雜assembly production line is used for t到去he high voltage shor近服t circuit test of 12V7A lead-acid bat票弟tery to the end of automatic productio門媽n of color glue tunnel ov答要en.

Two-component three-axis glue dispe花厭nser: It has a variety of不制 dispensing modes, can switch models w跳好ithin five seconds, sui舞遠table for large and small坐樹 size products, automat白理ic cleaning and anti-curing func新器tions, single s吃了tation and double station switch自遠ing, etc.

Double glue head d吃城ouble station glue dispenser: with 少刀anti-curing function, anti-curing time到雜 can be set according to nee影刀ds, one-button automatic cleaning, swi音內tching models within 5亮費 seconds, produ電老ction capacity, mor亮電e than 800 per hour 兵低(12V20AH is Example) The equipment 個麗is safe, stable, easy to operate,場場 equipped with a constan業飛t temperature heating sy器話stem, suitable for operation這頻 in various climatic 朋女environments, and has many advantag習他es to ensure the dispensing 開資time

No glue leakage, wire drawing and other習兵 phenomena.

Red and black integrated站老 glue dispenser: special 子議glue dispenser fo秒高r color glue, jog\q場裡uantitative double button control, prop匠答ortioning accuracy友拿: 3% Minimum glue output: 0.1g, mor厭從e than 2000 piece熱日s per hour.

Two-component manual glue dis鐵煙penser: special glue dispens電草er for base glue, double-button c熱行ontrol of jog and quantita睡讀tive, proportioning ac木船curacy: 3%, minimum glu喝金e output: 0.1g, can be動姐 used as a glue dispens低化ing machine.

Automated assembly production line那熱: the production capacity of the wh紙為ole line is ≧800 pieces/h (ie, 謝間the cycle time is less tha讀場n 4.5s only), the maximum waste rate of船鄉 the whole line is 0煙飛.1% in the productio樂通n process of the whole line The equ愛的ipment is equipped with a device to新年 prevent the produ輛遠ct from being reverse人朋d (this structure should ensur又你e 100% effectiveness).快音 If the number of s見街crapped equipment in the produ紙遠ction process exceeds th關花e set value, it s劇那hould automatically stop an街音d alarm, and the layout of the唱拿 production line can be sele吧電cted. Straight or U-shaped.

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