Precautions for the use吃得 of lead-acid batteries

Precautions for the use of lead-a行市cid batteries

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  • Time of issue:2015-07-28 18:40
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Precautions for the 金短use of lead-acid batteries

(Summary description)1) It is recommended that the ba地做ttery be used at a temperature信跳 of +5℃~+30℃ (prefera相明bly 25℃), high tempe技物rature will shorten th會個e life and low temp樂計erature capacity will reduce; 2) Mix器鄉ed use of batteries of different br司和ands, different capacities, and線筆 different old and new is strictly熱短 prohibited; 3) The battery will ge短房nerate hydrogen gas during u物坐se, so keep away from fire and ke用暗ep ventilated to又坐 prevent explosion 4) Please keep the上家 environment clean, too much dust ca裡有n lead to short c門金ircuit of the battery; Discharge will c吧女ause the battery capacity to 低麗be reduced or even da暗兵maged, so a suitable ch你歌arger must be configured; 6) Th商讀e UPS load is too light (還年such as 1KV

  • Categories:Industry news
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  • Time of issue:2015-07-28 18:40
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1) It is recomme服舊nded to use the battery under the te技到mperature condition店動s of +5℃~+30℃ (preferabl城事y 25℃), high temperature 男銀will shorten th喝舊e life and low tempe現愛rature capacity will decrease;
2) Mixed use of batteries飛靜 of different brands, c月行apacities, and old an校銀d new is strictly prohib船靜ited;
3) Hydrogen will be水農 generated during battery use, so 到能keep away from fire and keep爸制 ventilation to prevent explosion
4) Please keep th術唱e environment clean, to街紙o much dust can lead to short ci吧很rcuit of the battery;
5) After the battery師房 is discharged, it s書分hould be rechar樂街ged in time. If the b綠請attery is not fully charged, it wi跳窗ll cause the battery capacity to鐵都 decrease or even be d喝能amaged. Therefore, a suitable charge山愛r must be configured;
6) UPS with light load (such as 1KVAUPS一放 with 150VA load) may cause de厭請ep discharge of the batte小化ry, which should be avoided as much as 房木possible;
7) Proper discharge is hel遠拍pful for the activation of the battery樹歌. If the mains power 計嗎supply is not stopped for a lon請廠g time, the battery should be dis都件charged manually, 2 to 4 times a year, 女上and the existing load can be used to di兒會scharge, and the time i見小s 1/4 to 1/3 of the backup time ; 8) Lo木房ng-term out-of-ser習月vice batteries (UPS) sh有相ould be stored a如物fter charging, and eac慢明h half.

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