What are the factors that affect the討睡 dispensing effect of th如器e automatic dispensin吧化g machine?

What are the factors t裡化hat affect the dispensin歌冷g effect of the automatic dispensing ma爸友chine?

  • Categories:Industry news
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  • Time of issue:2022-07-20 20:03
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What are the factors tha務城t affect the dispensin兒音g effect of the automatic dispensi唱時ng machine?

(Summary description)With the improveme資購nt of factory automation下遠, many manufacturers have begun to use 空秒automatic dispensing machines to rep黃西lace inefficient manual dispensing pr問聽ocesses. However, when many manu理嗎facturers use it外厭, they find that the煙司 dispensing effect of t市跳he automatic dispensing machine does 問爸not reach the ideal level. Wha快現t's causing this? How should t坐通his be handled?

  • Categories:Industry news
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  • Time of issue:2022-07-20 20:03
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With the improv子鐘ement of factory automation,去西 many manufacturers have 他拿begun to use automatic 錯弟dispensing machines to rep鐘東lace inefficient manual dispensing有事 processes. However, when ma線雨ny manufacturer司我s use it, they 術習find that the dispensing effect of the 飛醫automatic dispensing machin姐行e does not reach the ideal lev書樹el. What's causin書多g this? How should this be handled西體?

◆ What are the factor遠人s that affect the dispensing effect o司畫f the automatic dispensing制司 machine? With 購藍the improvement of factory automation, 話個many manufacturers have begu雜做n to use automatic dispen那師sing machines to replace inefficient微黃 manual dispensing processes. Howev計妹er, when many manufacturers 國妹use it, they find that the dispen吧服sing effect of the aut章煙omatic dispensing machine doe請大s not reach the ideal生員 level. What's 科如causing this? H是劇ow should this be handled?風好

I. The amount of glue dispensed by哥風 the automatic dispensi什房ng machine is unreasonable  雜就;    

Generally speaking, when we dispense 土歌glue to any product, 歌服we should follow a principle tha就劇t the amount of glue dispensed by the 姐員automatic glue disp銀外enser does not exceed half of th金討e distance between the solder joint術到s. Lead to poor 草公dispensing effect.

2. Control of dispe暗城nsing pressure     &nb數得sp;

The greater the press雜年ure of the automatic glue dispenser少樹, the greater the dispensing v習靜olume, the smaller the dispensing press都東ure, and the smal見科ler the dispensing volume. We sh在間ould take into acco人外unt factors such as gl鐵動ue characteristics, te自聽mperature, environment, and t風關he needs of the product itself to make討這 reasonable settings !飛員 Avoid poor dispensing results 女說due to inappropriate p計冷ressure parameter settings.

Three, the selection of automatic dis鄉雨pensing machine needle size &nb睡離sp;    

Generally speaking, the diameter of 子厭the needle of the automati在白c dispenser should be about half o可木f the diameter of the di知子spensing volume, which is低這 the most suitable needle si風哥ze. Dispensing effect!

4. Control of glue temperatu子開re      店紅

Generally speaking, the storage 藍上environment of epoxy resin glu下樹e should be about 0~5 degrees Celsius, 子男and the operating temperature should 錯也be about 23 degrees Celsius. 西多When using glue, we sh紙廠ould make the glue better adapt to the微匠 surrounding enviro房讀nment and avoid glue There is a跳得 wire drawing problem duri著跳ng use, which affect見跳s the dispensing effect!

V. Viscosity of glue &nb上日sp;    

The glue viscosity of 制遠the automatic g船筆lue dispenser is l日習arge, the glue volume of the 子西glue dispenser is large, the glue visco見日sity is small, and the glue v照妹olume of the glue dispenser is sma綠報ll. Affect the normal dispensing work!朋那

Six, avoid air entering     &校見nbsp;

The selection of the surrounding env房讀ironment of the automatic 道站glue dispenser is very importan答行t. Before the glue dispenser, w務懂e need to place the glue dispens問章er in a dry and closed 朋房environment to avoid a麗為ir entering. Glue effect!  火店    

When manufacturers use the automatic暗事 dispensing machine for dispe老志nsing, they must try to avoid the討刀 above-mentioned factors tha森湖t affect the dispensing effec術刀t. So as not to affect the quality of t那請he product.

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